Wayne Davis Honored with Governor's Tourism Award.

The last week in April was a banner period for Wayne Davis and TrainRiders/Northeast! We had our 35th Annual Meeting in Freeport, which included addresses from the Amtrak president, NNEPRA's Executive Director, Conway Scenic Railroad's president, UNH Special Projects Director, and Miss Maine! 

Wayne's Governor's Award honored his personal dedication to customer service. It was his vision that resulted in the creation of the Amtrak Downeaster. Below is the video shown to hundreds of attendees at the Governor's Tourism Welcome Awards in Portland - honoring his and several other organizations/companies' hospitable approach to tourism in Maine.

Our Washington delegation - Senators Collins, King and Representative Pingree added their congratulations.

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Important Hearing This Thursday (5/18/23) at 1pm in Augusta on Ripping Up Unused Rails for Trails (Updated 5/15/2023)

This update corrects our prior notice dated 5/13/2023 in order to reflect that MDOT
does not support removal of the rail from the line between Portland and Auburn, and
that it does not support passage of the bill that would provide funding for the removal of
the Mountain Division line at this point in time.

We previously warned that the formation of Rail Use Advisory Councils (RUAC) in Maine could lead to the ripping up of State-owned rail lines, whether or not those lines have future rail potential. That danger has now become very, very real.

In spring 2022, one RUAC recommended that the rails on the Mountain Division line be removed. In December 2023, another RUAC recommended the removal of the rail on the line (formerly owned by the St. Lawrence & Atlantic Railroad) between Portland and Auburn (also known as the “Berlin Subdivision”).
RUAC Berlin Subdivision Recommendation
RUAC Mountain Division Recommendation

The Commissioner of the Maine Department of Transportation (MDOT) approved of the recommendation to remove the rails from the Mountain Division, but rejected the recommendation for removal of rails from the Berlin Subdivision.

However, bills were submitted to the legislature this year to permit removal of rail from both lines. In both instances, the rail lines would be replaced by trails. A hearing on these bills is now scheduled to be heard in Augusta by the Transportation Committee starting at 1 pm this coming Thursday, 5/18/2023. Passage of these bills, and approval by the Governor, would then permit the removal of the rail on these lines as soon as money became available to do so.

TrainRiders Northeast absolutely opposes passage of LD 404, LD 1450 and LD 209. The removal of the rail from these lines is shortsighted and irreversible steps that would eliminate even the possibility of future rail use on these lines. In theory, the lines would be preserved for rail use at some point in the future, but, in fact, removal of the track on those lines would make their reconversion to rail economically impossible. TrainRiders position is that any trails should be constructed beside the existing rails, with appropriate separation and fencing to ensure that the trails would not impede future rail use after any necessary track upgrades.

Read more: Important Hearing This Thursday (5/18/23) at 1pm in Augusta on Ripping Up Unused Rails for Trails...

Happy Birthday, NNEPRA - Born in 1995!

WayneShootRidersOn June 27th, 1995, the Maine Senate cleared away the last legislative hurdle standing in the way of resumption of passenger rail service to Maine. LD 1255, An Act to create the Northern New England Rail Authority, passed by the necessary two-thirds majority, the Maine House having approved it the week before. Governor Angus King signed the bill on June 29th.

From Wayne Davis: "It occurs to me that this act and the last one are important dates not just for Maine - but also for New Hampshire and Massachusetts. Of course, the text goes on to say that without TNE's dogged determination there is little doubt that the bill would have failed - and goes on to thank oodles of folks - Senators Cohen and Snowe, Representative John Baldacci and more."

TrainRiders/NE participated in the writing of the legislation that created NNEPRA - our baby in 1995!

Read all about it in our 1995 newsletter! Click on the old banner below. 




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